Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Purpose of this blog

The "MBA Students Favorite e-commerce Books" will present a collection of reviews of books that were selected by each student as part of a course requirement for Marketing 670, e-commerce, in the College of Business at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

For this assignment, each student selected a book of her or his own choosing with the following restrictions:
1) the book must fit the course objectives (i.e., be directly related to some aspect of e-commerce)
2) the book must have a 2006 or later copyright (there are some e-commerce classics, but the field changes so quickly, that students need to be reading current material)
3) no two students can read the same book. So it's first-come, first served, or you snooze, you lose.

In addition to reading the book, students must prepare a 2-3 page written review, and an 8 minute in class presentation. The blog postings are a condensation of the information the students put in their written reviews and presentations.

The blog will have, at mimimum, a set of reviews of 25 books related to e-commerce, a set that reflects what interests a group of MBA students in Colorado.

If you have come to the site and are not part of the class, feel free to make comments to the postings. I hope you find it helpful.

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